Road tripping in the USA
What a return to the world of face to face meetings! A team tour visiting our clients across the USA, East Coast to West Coast with some treks into the wild interior too.

America is one of the most exciting and surprising places on earth. The richest nation on the planet by far, fuelled by a highly educated, well skilled population, vast space, almost unlimited natural resources and a financial system that powers and rewards risk. It feels unstoppable.
Despite what you read about the difficulty of getting Green Cards, America also draws in talent from around the world, during those two weeks we worked with people from Russia, Mexico, Honduras, France, Egypt and of course, England.
Apart from meetings with clients like Microsoft, Xbox, Madrona and Minecraft in New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles, we were lucky enough to travel to Albany, the state capital of New York and an amazing place, if only for the “brutalist” architecture, which feels like something out of science fiction. All buildings and no people. We were told there was no need for people to be in the wide open public spaces, as a giant car park existed in the subterranean depths and people simply moved about under the surface.
“Despite the early starts it was an incredible trip, we got to view key areas along the Hudson River. Working with a partner agency to shoot, record and bring Microsoft's vision to life”
Chase, Lead Designer, Bolser
From a business perspective, face to face meetings are transformative, despite some obvious benefits from Zoom or Teams meetings, actually meeting people in the flesh, spending social time with them, completely changes the nature and depth of your relationship. Rebuilding “social capital” after Covid felt fantastic!
During the Hudson River project shoot, we met some incredibly talented people. In New York, Charlie the agronomist, educating kids and City Authorities alike by making organic compost out of NYC refuse. In Poughkeepsie it was Jeremy, helping the team to understand the history and heritage of the Hudson River and how it impacts public policy today. In Seattle, it was fantastic to take a break from work and be drawn into the global celebrations of difference and diversity that is Pride.
Talking of Seattle, it was unusual to experience clear, hot, dry weather. It was the first time in many visits that I had actually seen Mt Rainier, we were also privileged to be invited to one of our clients’ homes for a BBQ, to see and enjoy the real America.
Finally, we travelled to Los Angeles, a city, like New York, that feels familiar. We met with our talented Microsoft clients, colleagues, and partner agencies at the Microsoft Agency Summit. All dedicated to collaborating and celebrating the stories of their success.

What a fantastic two weeks, made all the better for being our first full set of meetings post Covid. We are now fully fired up to deliver some fantastic projects for our US partners, so watch this space! Can’t wait until my next trip!

Managing Director